A Global Vision for the Future: Reflections from the UNGA Summit of the Future

(wydf.org.cn)   10:41, October 13, 2024
By Praise Majwafi
The United Nations General Assembly in New York is where global leaders gather to address the world's most pressing challenges and chart a course for a better future. This year, I was honored to be selected as part of the China youth delegation for the Summit of the Future, a momentous opportunity that reaffirmed my belief in the power of youth leadership and global collaboration. As a young South African leader, sponsored by the World Youth Development Forum (WYDF) and the All-China Youth Federation (ACYF), I had the privilege of representing not only my country but the collective aspirations of youth from around the world.
From the moment I arrived in New York, it was clear that China’s decision to send such an impressive and diverse youth delegation was visionary. Alongside representatives from Tsinghua University, Peking University, Chinese youth entrepreneurs, and a global social media influencer, we formed a dynamic group, embodying both cultural heritage and a commitment to innovation. Many of the leaders I met were impressed by China’s forward-thinking approach in sponsoring youth from different parts of the world, including Tanzania, Pakistan, and the UK. It spoke volumes about China’s desire to foster a new generation of globally-minded leaders.
This strategic vision reminded me of Chinese President Xi Jinping’s words: “The cultural inheritance of a nation is the spiritual lifeblood of its people. Without it, a nation loses its soul and direction.” China’s youth delegation refected this philosophy, blending the strength of cultural heritage with the boldness to push the boundaries of innovation. As a South African, this resonated deeply with me, reminding me that our own country’s future is rooted in both our rich history and our willingness to embrace new possibilities.
At a time when global cooperation is more crucial than ever, the Summit of the Future served as a reminder that young people must lead the charge in rebuilding trust and driving positive change. As unconstitutional wars and global conflicts erode faith in international law, it is incumbent upon us, the youth, to steer the world toward a future defined by peace, justice, and innovation. This summit was more than just an event; it was a call to action.
Refecting on the inspiring words of South African President Cyril Ramaphosa during his UNGA speech, “Our collective future hinges on our ability to unite in solidarity and cooperation, to resolve our challenges peacefully and ensure that no nation or people are left behind,” I felt an overwhelming sense of responsibility. The world’s future will be shaped by how we, as young leaders, choose to collaborate across borders and disciplines.
In this spirit, I shared my experiences from the WYDF in China with other delegates, many of whom were impressed by the direction and initiatives of the WYDF and ACYF. It was during my time in China that I saw firsthand how cultural heritage and innovation could merge to drive real, impactful change. My journey to New York was a direct result of those experiences, and I felt a deep sense of pride in representing this dynamic collaboration between China, South Africa, and the world.
One of the recurring themes throughout the summit was the importance of redefining the limits of innovation. The challenges we face, climate change, inequality, the digital divide, cannot be solved with the same thinking that created them. As young leaders, we must be bold enough to push boundaries and collaborate in new ways. I was fortunate to attend several related events, including UNICEF’s Generation Unlimited, Microsoft and Accenture’s Time to Act: Preparing Youth for Work in an AI-Powered World event. These gatherings highlighted the power of cross-border, cross-sector partnerships in shaping a future that is equitable and inclusive.
Perhaps one of the most memorable experiences was hosting the Generation Unlimited & African Union Breakfast Forum: Strategic Public-Private-Youth Partnerships for Africa. This event emphasized the role of youth-driven public-private partnerships in unlocking the potential of the African continent. It reinforced the idea that the future of Africa, and indeed the world, depends on our ability to build partnerships grounded in mutual respect, shared values, and a win-win approach. Nelson Mandela’s words echoed in my mind throughout the summit: “It always seems impossible until it’s done.” These words are a reminder that, while the road ahead may be challenging, the future we dream of is within reach if we work together.
As I refect on my time at the Summit of the Future, I am filled with optimism and determination. The friendships forged, the ideas shared, and the global networks built are invaluable assets that will continue to shape my journey as a young leader. I am more convinced than ever that young people are not just the leaders of tomorrow, we are the leaders of today.
The trust placed in me by the WYDF and ACYF, and the recognition I received from fellow delegates, was a clear affirmation of the role youth must play in shaping global policies and driving sustainable development. It is up to us to stand for what is right, challenge the status quo, and push the boundaries of what is possible.
In closing, my deepest gratitude goes to the WYDF and ACYF for making this transformative journey possible. Your vision and commitment to empowering youth leaders will have a lasting impact, not just on me, but on the countless lives we will touch together. As we look toward the future, let us remember that through collaboration, innovation, and a shared commitment to the values that unite us, we can build a world that reflects the best of our collective humanity, a future of peace, progress, and shared prosperity.
Together, we can achieve the impossible.
(editor: Cao Di)

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